Mobile: +65 98853144 E-Mail:
Twitter: @SudheerJonna
Aspiring for IT professional roles to work on Software Development, Architectural Designs and SDLC with a reputed organization in the IT industry
Location Preference: India/Europe/Singapore/USA
A result-oriented professional with more than 6 years of qualitative experience in Software development, architectural designs, performance optimizations and SDLC. Accomplished IT professional with experience in systems design and implementation; Broad experience in software architecture and development; experience in introducing the new technologies for making development process easier, building custom components to reduce the developers effort to create the repeated tasks.
High performance, high-availability secure reliable system; experienced team player and technical advisor, work well with customers. Adept in estimates, design, implementation, testing, integration, performance analysis, build and test infrastructure. Experience in designing, architecting, and organizing team of Developers to deliver solutions to customer across multiple industry sectors such as Banking and Financial Services, Airlines services, Restaurants & Warehouses.
- Implement overall design of the application and mapping the business requirements to systems/technical requirements
- Produce a detailed technical specification document to match the business requirements.
- Deliver/Release a product from Development stage to Production stage with a high quality of work.
- Research and Development on complex issues and emerging technologies.
- Initiate new ideas and features to improve the quality of work.
- Provide various technology oriented Trainings in internal projects as required
- Identifying and fixing performance, security and show stopper issues for smooth delivery of work.
- Well versed with:
- Java, Java EE, UI Design and Development, Tracking tools and Database Systems etc.
- Rich Web-applications using JSF(Mojarra and Myfaces),PrimeFaces Family(PrimeFaces core, PrimeFaces Extensions,PrimeFaces mobile,PrimeUI,PrimeNG),Richfaces,Icefaces,Omnifaces,HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript,JQuery,JQueryUI,JQuery Mobile,jQuery ThemeRoller,Themes,AngularJS,BootStrap,RichEGL,GWT etc.
- Popular Java Frameworks like JSF, Spring, Struts, EJB and Hibernate ORM Frameworks etc.
- Managed Servers such as Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere, Jetty, Glassfish, TomEE, Weblogic etc
- Build and tracking tools such as ANT, Maven, Assembla, google tracker,Anty Samy,IBM CQ and JIRA Tracker.
- Writing SQL and PL/SQL Scripts, JDBC and Data source Connections, Stored Procedures, and ER-Model
- Performance optimizations on Legacy Code, POC on latest technologies and R&D work on complex issues.
Proficiency Forte:
Architectural Designs Application Development Programming/ Coding
Performance optimizations Technical Support/ Training Client Relationship Management
- One of the core Contributer or developer for PrimeFaces and PrimeFaces Extensions open source Framework whish is used extensively over million developers globally.
- Authored and reviewed PrimeFaces/JSF technology oriented books for Packt Publishing.
- Expertise in online trainings and offline trainings to various technology groups.
- Experienced Technical writer on various JavaEE technologies and emerging technologies in the market.
- Research and Development projects in github hosting service GITHUB:
- Published Wikipedia official article on PrimeFaces technology WIKI:
- Working Knowledge in PrimeFaces PRO for various clients across the globe.
- Worked as a team of 5-8 members of popular OSS project.
- Expert member of JSF/PrimeFaces Tech Forum with around 3k solutions in the internet.
- Created PrimeNG quickstart application based on PrimeNG, AngularJS2, Node.js,PrimeUI,JS and CSS technologies and involved in bug fixing.
- Quick learner and excellent team member, ability to meet tight deadlines and Work under pressure.
- Strongly initiative, creative and able to learn new technologies.
Computer languages: Java, C , C++
Web Technologies/Libraries: Servlets,JSP,Facelets,JSF1.2 and 2.0,JSF implementations Mojarra and Apache MyFaces,PrimeFaces, PrimefacesExtensions,PrimefaceMobile,PrimeUI,PrimeNG,JBoss RichFaces, ICEFaces,Tomahawk,Trinidad,Tobago,PrettyFaces, Ominifaces, ADF Faces, CDI,Ajax, JSTL,HTML, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, JQuery,JQuery UI,JQueryMobile,JQuery ThemeRoller,Angularjs, Typescript, Themes,BootStrap, FontAweome icons,JSON and GSON, Raphael,JUEL, Liferay portal,EGL,Adobe flex, Composite components, Custom Tags.
Desktop Technologies:
Applets and Swings
Open Source Frameworks: JSF,Spring, Struts1/2, Hibernate, Play,Node.js, GWT, Grails and groovy, Apache Wicket,
Distributed Technologies: RMI,EJB,Web Services, JAXB,REST Full(Jersy)
Platforms: Windows XP / Vista / 7, Unix , Linux
Database/DB Technologies: Oracle 9i/10g/11g, My SQL, DB2, MS SQL Server, MS Access, MongoDB ODBC,JDBC,SQL,PL/SQL
Web/ Application Servers: JBOSS(AS/EAP),IBM WebSphere,Jetty,GlassFish,BEA WebLogic
Apache Tomcat (Catalina),TomEE
IDE: Eclipse, RBD(Rational Business Developer), NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA,NotePad++,
JBOSS Dev.Studio,MyEclipse, STS(Spring Tool Suite), Adobe Flash Builder, EditPlus 2.0.
Versioning: GIT and Sub Version
Hosting services: Github,Dropbox
External APIs/Libraries: Log4j,iText,Apache POI,jQplot,JFreeChart,JUnit
Tools: IBM CQ,QC,google code & JIRA Issue Trackers,Assembla, checkstyle tools,SonarQube, Browser Sync,Yeoman,Ant,maven,gradle,grunt,gulp,FireBug, FirebugLite,Developer tools and Anti Samy.
Security technologies: JavaEE security constraints,JAAS,Spring Security and Web security APIs
Design diagrams: UML, Flow chart diagrams
Browsers: Google chrome, Firefox, IE and safari
Open Source Framework Contribution
Freelancing Experience
- Interfacing with onsite/offsite teams for gathering business requirements, conducting system analysis and finalising techno-functional specifications; developing POCs as per client requirements.
- Conducting analysis for find the best solutions for implementing the new trends and technology frameworks.
- Carrying out complete design, development, testing, troubleshooting and debugging of the software.
- Main focus on Performance and security related issues in the application level and product level.
- Guiding/Providing functional or technical trainings to the team members for better quality of work.
- Handling risks and planning for contingencies to ensure minimal effect on deliverables; enforcing strict compliance with the SLA terms negotiated with the client
- Setting up and maintaining process, documentation and quality standards for all phases of the SDLC
- Masters in Computer Application from JNTU University, India in 2010(83%)
- Bachelors in Science from SV University, India in 2007(89%)
- HSC from AP board, India in 2004(84%)
- SSC from AP board, India in 2002(82%)
Authored and reviewed several technical oriented books from Packt Publishing,UK.
- Authored a book named- Learning PrimeFaces Extensions Development
- Authored a book named- PrimeFaces Blueprints
- Authored a book named- PrimeFaces Themes Development
- Authored a book named- Learning PrimeNG Development using PrimeNG URL:
- Reviewed for a book named- Primefaces Beginner’s guide
- Reviewer for a book named- Instant PrimeFaces Starter
- Reviewer for a book named- Building an App UI with PrimeFaces
- Recognition (and survey) from R&D and Ph.d team of Victoria university, Canada regarding the software tools and task management.
- BFS Rave Award for Outstanding Performance in Nov 2011 .
- Excellent Team performance award in the annual celebrations during mid 2012.
- Best Performance Award for application performance optimizations in JAN 2013.
- Ace Award for project modernization in JAN 2016.
(Refer to Annexure for Major Projects undertaken and detailed Technical Skills)
Company 1:
With Hexaware Technologies (Chennai) India
Hexaware Technologies Limited (HTL) is an information technology and business process outsourcing service provider company based in Navi Mumbai, India. Founded in 1990.The company provides software services in airlines, banking and financial services, health care & insurance sectors.
Project Title 1: Logistic Management System New Generation
This is the product developing contribute to the Air cargo industry with a high end information system from end to end operations. It involves more complexity to handle all requirements and functionality in a very optimizing manner. This product mainly focusing on Airwaybill order, booking,flight details, cargo operations, charges calculations, customs, status information and report generation using both front end technologies and server side implementations.
- Was involved in legacy application migration, Design and Development which involves end to end implementation of Air Cargo logistics management using modern technologies.
- Worked as an Architect, Consultant and developer for the rich UI Java Application.
- Trouble shooting design issues, security issues and performance issues.
- Application programming adhering to the organization’s process and coding standards (PPQA) with the help of SonarQube.
- Provided solutions for web security from XSS, CSRF and SQL injections.
- Created new components, new features and fixing bugs in OS technologies and use them for application requirements.
- Team player as take part in discussions in team meetings to get product and projects optimized results
- Requirement analysis and addressing solution to the complex requirements that arises in the application.
- Introduced the new technologies to build the Java development process easier, by building custom components to reduce the Developers effort and custom renderers for applying new features.
- Monitor Performance of the system and provide immediate solution in case of any issues.
- Presentations on technical and business trainings for the colleagues
Key Achievements in Development:
- Critical Use Case or module development with end to end development in quick span.
- Trouble shooting design issues and security issues.
- Stabilizing the UI design and development, template mechanism and key architectural developments.
- Analysing and providing solutions for Web security reports and Spring batch reports.
- Implementing dynamic preferences technique for information display.
Platform: Java1.7 / JavaEE
Frameworks: JSF, PrimeFaces, RichFaces,Spring, Hibernate/JPA,EJB and Webservices
Database: Oracle DB
Servers: JBOSS(AS/EAP)
Security: JavaEE security constraints
Others: log4j, iText, Apache POI, XML, XSD, XSLT,Anti Samy
IDE: Eclipse(Keplar, Luna and Mars)
Testing: IBM CQ,Firebug, FirebugLite, Developer tools, QC, SOAP UI,Sonar and JUnit
Build tool: MAVEN, ANT
Versioning Tool: SVN and GIT
Protocol: HTTP, SMTP, FTP
Environment: Windows 7
Company 2:
With Lnt InfoTech (Chennai) India
L&T Infotech (Larsen & Toubro Infotech), a subsidiary of L&T (Larsen & Toubro), is a CMMI5 global IT services company based in Mumbai, India. It provides services/applications for various domains such as Banking and financial,insurance,healthcare,travel etc.
Project Title 1: TRAX EXPLORER
Trax Explorer is an Internet based investment tracking system.Through TRAX(InvestorTrax and AdvisorTrax), users can monitor the investment, fund accounts seven days a week, 24 hours a day via the Internet. Users can learn their portfolio’s value, find out how the funds are performing, and calculate the gains or losses.It is an Internet based Rich UI web based application. This project is mainly aimed to the modernization and integration of Investortrax and Advisortrax applications into one single web application.
- Was Involved in legacy code migration, UI design, front-end business logic and back-end part of application.
- Worked as an Architect, designer and developer for the rich UI Java Application.
- Created new components, new features and fixing bugs in PrimeFaces technology and use them for application requirements.
- Requirement analysis and addressing solution to the complex requirements that arises in the application.
- Wrote Technical Specification Documents and provided architectural inputs to new developments that are planned for the system.
- Introduced the new technologies to build the Java development process easier, by building custom components to reduce the Developers effort and custom renderers for applying new features.
- Monitor Performance of the system and provide immediate solution in case of any issues.
- Set up new clients to the application, Co-ordination between various teams in offshore and onsite.
- Build and deployment of the code base and promotion to various environments.
Key Achievements in Development:
- Export big datasets to PDF, Excel, Mail and Printer export options.
- Troubleshooting performance and security issues
- Complex data table and Charts development.
- Admin settings and client configurations.
Platform: Java1.6 / JavaEE
Frameworks: JSF, PrimeFaces, PrimeFaces Extensions
Database: DB2, MySQL,SQL Server 2008,Stored procedures
Servers: Tomcat, Web sphere 6.1/7.0/8.5
Security: JAAS authentication, SSL certificate
GUI: AJAX, JQuery, JSON, CSS, HTML, ext-js
Others: log4j, iText, Apache POI, XML, XSD, XSLT
IDE: Eclipse, IBM RBD(Rational Business Developer)
Testing: Firebug, FirebugLite,Developer tools,QC and JUnit
Build tool: MAVEN, ANT
Versioning Tool: SVN and GIT
Protocol: HTTP, SMTP, FTP
Environment: Windows XP/7
Project Title 2: IATRAX
Synopsis: IATRAX is a legacy internet based investment tracking system to report callcenter, dealer, advisor, representative, account, investment, transactions and fund information details.
- Understanding and analyzing the client requirements and client communication in a frequent basis.
- Involved in new screens development, enhanced features and new client setups etc.
- Participated in code reviews and walkthroughs.
- Contributed to the development plan by identifying task level risks.
- Prepared the unit test cases and executes the test cases.
- Migrated application to latest versions of Websphere (WAS) and JavaSE technologies.
- Coordinated with Onsite team in various issues relating to critical bugs.
- Implemented code review tool to optimize the application performance.
Platform: Java1.6 / JavaEE
Web Technologies: Struts 1.x/2.x,Servlets,JSP
Database: DB2, SQL Server 2005,Stored procedures
Servers: Tomcat, Web sphere 6.1/7.0
Security: JAAS authentication, SSL certificate
GUI: HTML,CSS, Javascript
Others: log4j, Flying saucer,iText, Apache POI, XML, XSD, XSLT
IDE: Eclipse, IBM RBD(Rational Business Developer)
Testing: QC and JUnit
Build & versioning tools: ANT,SVN
Environment: Windows XP/7
Project Title 3: Trax Mobile
Trax Mobile Application is a responsive investment tracking system mobile application which works on mobile devices with special effects on user actions.
- Created responsive mobile application corresponding to web application functionalities.
- Participated in code reviews, walkthroughs and technical specification documents.
- Tested mobile application on various emulators to simulate mobile features on different mobile devices and models.
- Created custom renders to various components to make it mobile compatible.
- Maintained proper page design, page navigations and mobile events effects.
- Coordinating with Onsite team in various issues relating to resolving bugs
Platform: Java1.6 / JavaEE
Frameworks: JSF,PrimeFaces 3.5, PF Mobile,jQuery Mobile
Database: DB2, SQL Server 2008,Stored procedures
Servers: Tomcat, Web sphere 6.1/7.0
Security: JAAS authentication, SSL certificate
GUI: HTML5,CSS3, Javascript
Others: Opera Emulators,log4j,iText, Apache POI, XML, XSD, XSLT
IDE: Eclipse, IBM RBD(Rational Business Developer)
Testing: QC and JUnit
Build&Versioning tools: ANT,Maven,SVN
Environment: Windows XP/7
Project Title 4: FundCOM
Synopsis: Fundcom is an Internet-based tool offered by FundSERV to its certificate holders to access account information from multiple fund companies with a single sign-on user Id.
- Fundcom is an extension of FundSERV, which is the FUNDcom account inquiry service.
- FUNDcom provides 24-hour real time account inquiry and has become the inquiry service of choice for the leading dealers and advisors in the country.
- A key feature of the service is that advisors can show a client their account holdings with all companies that subscribe to FUNDcom on one screen.
- Developed request &response business logic to generate messages and back-end part of application.
- Wrote technical specification documents and provided architectural inputs to the new development and new features.
- Providing analysis & solution to the complex requirements that arise in the application.
- Migrated application to latest versions of Websphere(WAS) and JavaSE technologies.
- Upgrade client specific security certificates in a frequent basis.
- Implemented Fundcom-22 specifications in the application.
- To tailor and set up new clients to the application
Platform: JavaSE / JavaEE
API: JAXB,Apache Jakarta utilities
Database: DB2, SQL Server 2005,Stored procedures
Servers: Web sphere 6.1/7.0
Others: XML, XSD, XSLT
IDE: Eclipse, IBM RBD(Rational Business Developer)
Testing: QC and JUnit
Build&Versioning tools: ANT,,SVN
Environment: Windows XP/7
Project Title 5: Navigator
Navigator is a graphical user interface that presents account data in a windows-based format. Navigator is designed to help customer service representatives respond quickly to investor inquiries.
- Responsible to develop new screens, new features in the following domain areas
- Calculate rate of return for an investment or for an entire account,
- Account’s last transaction details.
- Investor received money from their last redemption.
- Investor outstanding issues resolving.
- Viewing an account’s scanned documents.
- Printing duplicate confirms and statements.
- Client setup and code promotion to various environments in the system.
- Migrated application to latest versions of Websphere(WAS) and J2SE technologies.
- Upgrade client specific security certificates in a frequent basis.
Platform: JavaSE / JavaEE
API: AWT and Swings
Database: DB2, SQL Server 2005, Stored procedures
Servers: Web sphere 6.1/7.0
Others: XML, XSD, XSLT
IDE: Eclipse, IBM RBD(Rational Business Developer)
Testing: QC and JUnit
Build&Versioning tools: ANT,SVN
Environment: Windows XP/7
Company 3:
With PrimeTek (Ankara) Turkey
Project Title: PrimeFaces (PrimeTek,Turkey)
Synopsis: PrimeFaces is a leading, light weight, open source user interface (UI) component library for Java ServerFaces (JSF) based web applications. In the JSF world, it is miles ahead from the other existing component sets because of its many features such as signle jar without any configuration,100+ components and built-in themes support.
- Contributed to new components development, enhanced features and bug fixes for large set of components.
- Resolved client/customer raised issues from PrimeFaces PRO,Elite and community support.
- Created branches,tags,new releases of PrimeFaces product.
- Involved in testing and build section of different releases.
- Provided solutions for cross browser issues and performance bottle neck issues.
Platform: JavaSE / JavaEE
Frameworks: JSF,jQuery,jQuery Plugins
Servers: Jetty,Tomcat
IDE: NetBeans, Eclipse, Intellij IDEA
Testing: QC and JUnit
Build&Versioning tools: Maven, SVN,GIT
Protocol: HTTP, SMTP, FTP
Environment: Windows XP/7
Company 4:
With PrimeFaces Extensions
Project Title 1: PrimeFaces Extensions
Synopsis: PrimeFaces Extensions project is an open source project which has an aim to be a lightweight and fast JSF 2 component library in additional to PrimeFaces.This project is an extended component set with useful components missing in other JSF 2 libraries or with improved components which already exist.
- Contributed in new components development, enhanced features and bug fixes for large set of components.
- Resolved community issues and suggestions on product usage.
- Involved in testing and build section of different releases.
- Provided solutions for cross browser issues and performance bottle neck issues.
- Created Exporter component to support various features of dataTable and dataList component in PDF and Excel formats.
Platform: JavaSE / JavaEE
Frameworks: JSF,PrimeFaces,jQuery,jQuery Plugins,Maven plugins
Servers: Jetty,Tomcat
Others: XML, XSD, XSLT,JavaScript,JSON,GSON,iText,Apache POI,CKEditor,CodeMirror
IDE: Intellij IDEA ,NetBeans, Eclipse
Testing: Github issue tracker and JUnit
Build&Versioning tools: Maven, SVN,Jenkins,GIT
Protocol: HTTP, SMTP, FTP
Environment: Windows XP/7
Company 5:
With Triadic Technologies,USA
Project Title 1: Restaurent POS (Triadic Technologies,USA)
Synopsis: Restaurant application is aimed to change the old paper menu card system to a digital online menu system. The customer can explore the available restaurant menu items within their category of choice and order them online. The user can also save their favorite menu item in a favorites list, potentially allowing them to order the menu item in a single click. The Customer will also has ability to choose different branches of restaurant near to his city.
- Involved in application design, architecture, screen development and issues fixing.
- Understanding and analyzing the client requirements from wireframes and provided technical solutions for the same.
- Created custom components and custom themes based on client requirement.
- Test, build and deploy the application in a regular interval.
- Integrating various technologies such as JSF, PrimeFaces, Groovy, Spring security and various jQuery plugins.
- Established an interaction/relationship between various functionalities of the application.
- Coordinating with Onsite team in various issues relating to resolving bugs
Platform: JavaSE / JavaEE
Frameworks: JSF,PrimeFaces,PrimeFaces Extensions,Hibernate,Spring security and groovy
Database: MySQL
Servers: Jetty,Tomcat
Others: XML, XSD, XSLT
IDE: Eclipse, jDeveloper Studio,Intellij IDEA
Testing: Assembla and JUnit
Build&Versioning tools: Maven and git
Environment: Windows XP/7