What’s new in PrimeNG 4.1 release

Angular 4.0 major version was released exactly two months back (i.e, March 2017) by following the semantic versioning process. Thereafter many minor releases came out and  will continue till the next major release 5.0 which will expected to release on Sept 2017. PrimeNG releases also in-synch with the Angular major releases. PrimeNG 4.0 was released immediately(First week of May 2017)

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Angular and PrimeNG i18n using ng2-translate

The internationalization(i18n) support place a significant role in the web applications to improve the user base from different regions and languages. “Internationalization is the process of designing a software application so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes”. Officially, Angular team supports this internationalization using i18n tools.Internally it uses ngx-i18n tools for the

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