My review on “Java By Comparison” book

Recently I received a print copy of book titled “Java By Comparison” authored by @simonharrer along with two more co-authors. As the book states “become a Java Craftsman in 70 example”, this book is mainly focused on improving your Java coding skills with set of  examples as best practices. The book is published on March 2018 and available in amazon

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How to upgrade Angular5 projects to Angular6?

Did you ever feel that it is going to be very difficult to upgrade Angular5 project to Angular6.x version. It might be “Yes” for many developers. Even I faced many errors while upgrading my PrimeNG-Extensions project ( to Angular6.x version. If you try to upgrade the Angular6 dependencies manually with in your package.json file and then renaming .angular-cli.json to angular.json, you will

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JHipster meets PrimeNG or PrimeNG meets JHipster

JHipster is an open source application generator used to develop modern web applications and microservices using Angular and Spring framework. The tool generates Java stack on the server side(Spring Boot) and responsive front-end(Angular) on the client side. JHipster 4.0 supporting Angular2 and after that JHipster 4.2 supported Angular 4 versions. It can cover more scenarios if it supports any popular

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What’s new in PrimeNG 4.2 release

After two months, PrimeNG released 4.2 version with some new features and around 200 defect fixes. The notable features are rewrites for Terminal using service, Message service for Growl and messages, button bar(Today and Clear buttons) and date template for Calendar component, item template for MultiSelect, loading indicator for DataTable and autoComplete components and floating feature for input components and

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Angular’s official internationalization(i18n) support

In the previous blog post series, we have seen how to achieve the internationalization support using ngx-translate library. Please read this post if you didn’t read yet. In this blog post, you will see how to achieve it through Angular’s official i18n tools.  “Internationalization is the process of designing a software application so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages

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What’s new in JHipster 4.6 release

JHipster announced it’s new release 4.6 version on yesterday. This includes some of the major improvements such as Angular 4.0 support, upgrade Gradle 4 and RTL support.Let us see one by one. You can upgrade in both automatic and manual ways. AutoUpgrade: Upgrade your version of JHipster: yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster   2. Run the upgrade sub-generator: jhipster upgrade Manual

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Nested JSON structure usage with PrimeNG DataTable

PrimeNG DataTable is the most popular and complex component with it’s vast features. In real-time applications, we will use HTTP module to retrieve the data from remote data sources. Most of the time we will imagine that the result JSON structure would be interpreted as flatten type. For example, the list of browser model object’s JSON structure would be written

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Angular 4.2 release: General and Animation features

Angular 4.2 was released three weeks back itself.  The community aware of this release and upgraded in their many projects as well. But from my observation, the release specific features are still not used in most of the projects. Even though this release is not a major one there are many useful features to the Angular community. This release is

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What’s new TypeScript 2.4

This is my first blog post on TypeScript open source programming language. I really impressed with the TypeScript benefits after working with Angular framework for quite some time. Of course, it is also very popular in other JS based frameworks such as ExpressJS, ReactJS, VueJS and so on. If you have prior knowledge on Object-Oriented Programming(OOPs) based languages(for example, java)

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